Halloween Update
At ToastieLabs we love Halloween! Well, any excuse to get festive and decorate the office really...
So we decided to add an in-game event for hexceed between the 18th October to 31st October! This event will repeat each year on the same dates, and if you don't like it then you can turn it off by disabling the new "Seasonal Effects" setting.

When the event is live, you will notice a few changes in the game (It's rocking a new Pumpkin Patch look). The Halloween event changes the colour pallets used for the hexes to be more dark and earthy and danger tiles assets will be replaced with a new spooky pumpkin icon!
hexceed v1.9.22 Patch Notes
New Features
Added Halloween Seasonal Event - The event runs between the 18th of October to 31st of October each year. It changes the look of the game, to be more seasonal replacing the usual danger tile Icon with pumpkins among other changes.
Added new Setting "Seasonal Effects" - (Default On) For those who get spooked too easily. When you disable this setting, the Halloween event will be ignored and the game will look like normal.
Added support for the Casus DLC
Bug Fixes and Misc
Fixed a bug where the game will pan around a little bit when loading into a level. This was particularly noticeable in some of the levels in the most recent Illumina DLC.
Fixed a bug where with the "Hide Unused Hexes" setting enabled, on rare occasions the numbers on switching tiles would remain for a short period of time.
hexceed is Coming to the Nintendo Switch!
If you haven't already checked it out, head over to the Nintendo eShop to Pre-Order hexceed on the Switch! Coming out on the 28th of October!
