Year 2 of hexceed
Due to your overwhelming support, we are bringing you another year of DLC for hexceed!
Many players really enjoyed the ability to purchase all DLC in advance last year so we have set up the same structure for Year 2.
Starting right now you can buy the Year 2 Pass to ensure you get the next 6 hexceed worlds as soon as they come out!
What is in the Year 2 Pass?
In the Year 2 Pass, we have committed to bringing you 6 new worlds and 2 new mechanics!
The DLC will be released on a 2 monthly basis starting in March with a back to back release at the end of the year! Full breakdown below:
1 - Incipiam (Mar 2022)
2 - Insulam (May 2022) + new mechanic
3 - Cogitare (Jul 2022)
4 - Novus (Sep 2022) + new mechanic
5 - Paenultima (Nov 2022)
6 - Finis (Dec 2022)